Friday, August 1, 2008


"i am fascinated by all forms of music,though indian classical music is my forte.Ever since i have caught hold on my senses, i have been in love with indian classical music.Music which transends all boundaries and take you to an eternal world of fantasies.As a drug addict needs couple of fixes a day, in the same way i start craving stronger if i don't get a dose of classical music twice or thrice a day.I succumb to the notion of performing like the maestros ending up with a couple of hours of classical music,an exaggerated state of hysteria.Following are the lines written some time back when i use to be a complete novice as far as poetries were concerned..."

What is music, ask yourself

A pleasant sound, or

Array of records on your shelf

Music is a way of life

Amidst the life, busy and wild

Makes the mind serene and mild

Classical is divine,

Like god’s own voice

Spreading from heaven or a shrine

From the vibrations of omkar

To the purity of cycles

It is clear, they are all miracles

With every sound of rock,

The soul is set on fire

Is it incredible or just a mock

Let the pure be obscure

Clutched not to the hands

Of this youth fast and impure

For me, music is my pride

Only thing I fancy is

Listening to genres, different and varied